Frequently Asked Questions
To answer some of the questions about Lunula, please click on the question below to view the video.
- What are the advantages of the Lunula Laser device?
- Are all laser wavelengths the same?
- Is the tissue response the same with the lower wavelengths?
- Is there an advantage in utilising a multiple diode approach in the treatment of onychomycosis?
- What kind of response has been seen when utilizing the dual diode lower wavelength approach in the treatment of onychomycosis?
- Are there any complications with this form of therapy?
- Why is cold laser therapy for onychomycosis gaining acceptance in both the medical community and patient community?
- Should cultures be obtained prior to low-level laser therapy?
- Are there any concerns regarding the heat-based lasers as opposed to a true cold laser?
- What are the risks with using a heat-based Class 4 laser as opposed to a true cold laser?
- Is debridement of the toenail necessary when utilising laser therapy to treat onychomycosis?
- Is there is a difference in response when treating Candida versus dermatophytes?
- Why do you use a four treatment protocol?
- What other options are available?
- When will I see results?
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